FICM Repair

FICM Repair

from $329.00

While we specialize in remanufactured FICMs, we also provide a repair service if you would like your own FICM repaired. We troubleshoot, test, and repair both the main board and the power supply down to the component level. We repair both 4 screw and 7 screw power supplies.

We test all of our FICMs with a proprietary bench-top engine simulator. The FICM is load tested with 6.0L injectors in order to re-create actual load conditions. We also simulate relevant engine parameters such as RPM variability and temperature conditions from cold start to normal running temperature. This procedure ensures that FICMs are tested within a range of essential sequences of startup, warm up, and variable driving conditions.

We have repaired well over 3,000 FICMs with 8+ years of experience specializing in FICM repairs and modifications.

We can also upgrade your FICM with a 58V upgrade or a PHP Power Hungry Performance upgrade.

Repairs come with a 1-Year Warranty included.

Send your FICM to:
Grizzly Performance FICMS
1816 Rickman Monterey Hwy
Rickman, TN 38580

*Please ship your FICM carefully. Use proper packing material, etc.

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